Excel in Science is a series of contemporary, bold and attractive books for teaching science at the primary school level. The books place emphasis on active learning of science and provide a wide range of activities to encourage learning. They are attractively laid out, with pictures closely linked to the text so that they are effective and easy for children to follow. Scientific theory is covered thoroughly, with the text carefully worded to make it easy to understand. The sections related to CCE activities, life skills and values cover all the scholastic and co-scholastic areas mentioned in the NCERT's CCE Manual. They encourage both individual and group work, including multi-disciplinary activities. They place emphasis on the development of problem-solving skills in students. The books are accompanied by teacher's edition and teacher's manual books.
The key features of the books are:
Lessons have: Learning objectives Clear goals for students Get Active! (FA) A pre-learning activity with a full-page picture Quick check! (FA) Questions within the chapter to gauge understanding Niblet Related and interesting information Do it! (FA) Simple activities for formative assessment To sum up... A brief overview of the lesson Test your learning (SA) A wide variety of exercises for summative assessment, including MCQs in all chapters HOTS (SA) Questions that test higher-order thinking skills Life skills and values (FA) Skills and values that help students cope with problems in daily life More Do it! (FA) A variety of projects, experiments and activities for formative assessment Web links Links to websites with interesting information and activities